本件係國際拳擊總會來函有關2022 年第四次運動禁藥管制網路研討會:

親愛的IBA 國家拳擊總會,本會擬召開2022第四次運動禁藥管制網路研討會,本次研討會將著重於運動禁藥管制及心理健康。本年度第四次網絡研討會將於歐洲中部時間 4 月 26 日(二)15:00–16:00 舉行(台北時間晚間21:00-22:00。您可用以下面連接註冊報名本次網路研討會。過去的幾個月裡,體育運動中心健康的重要性引起大家注意,幾位享譽國際知名運動員發表談話。但是心理健康和運動禁藥管制間究竟有什麼關係呢?不良的心理健康導致使用運動禁藥,同樣,運動禁藥如何影響心理健康?運動員可用哪些策略來改善他們的心理素質?最重要的是,教練、選手及行政人員和整個體育行政系統可以做些什麼來支持選手健康必避免使用運動禁藥?請加入我們,與來自巴西國家運動禁藥管制機構(NADO )教育團隊的Thais Cevada 博士一同深入探討這個話題,她將分享她的專業和知識,以及前職業自行車手和加拿大奧運選手 Geneviève Jeanson,她將分享她的故事,講述個人困境如何導致是用運動禁藥。重要的是,兩位小組成員將為我們所有人提供解決方案,以幫助改善選手心理健康,從而保護他們免受運動禁藥的侵害與往常一樣,很高興以英語提供這些網5路研討會,並同時翻譯成四種其他語言——阿拉伯語 (العربي)、西班牙語 (español)、法語 (français) 和俄語 (русский)。


報名連結: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DgPktjgWRy2ySLY-JsAqeA,

日期:4月 26 日星期二,歐洲中部時間 15:00–16:00(請注意,這比網路研討會時間晚一小時)


1.Thais Cevada,博士,巴西 NADO 教育團隊

2.Geneviève Jeanson,前職業自行車手和加拿大奧運選手

主持人:Nikki Hamblin,ITA 教育團隊我們鼓勵您參加網絡研討會並充分利用為您提供的資源。期待您的參與。



※IBA總部國際拳擊協會 IBA國際體育之家1007 洛桑 |瑞士

Dear IBA National Federations,

Our fourth webinar of 2022 focuses on doping and mental health.
The webinar will take place on Tuesday 26 April, 15:00–16:00 CET. You can register webinar using the link provided below.

The importance of mental health in sport has been brought to the public attention over the last few months with several high-profile athletes speaking out. But what is the relationship between mental health and doping? How can poor mental health lead to doping and equally, how does doping effect mental health? What strategies can an athlete use to support and improve their mental health? And most importantly, what can coaches, athlete support personnel and the entire sport system do to support the athletes’ well- being to prevent doping?

Join us as we delve into this topic with Thais Cevada, PhD from the Brazilian NADO Education Team, who will share her expertise and knowledge and Geneviève Jeanson, former professional cyclist and Canadian Olympian, who will share her story of how a difficult personal situation can lead to doping. Importantly, both panellists will offer solutions for us all to contribute to improving the mental health of athletes, and thus protecting them against doping.

As always, we are pleased to deliver these webinars in English with simultaneous translation to four additional languages – Arabic (العربي), Spanish (español), French (français) and Russian (русский).
Topic: Doping and Mental Health

Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DgPktjgWRy2ySLY-JsAqeA

Event date: Tuesday 26 April, 15:00–16:00 CET (note this is one hour later than our usual webinar timeslot)

Thais Cevada, PhD, Brazilian NADO Education Team
Geneviève Jeanson, Former professional cyclist and Canadian Olympian
Moderator: Nikki Hamblin, ITA Education Team

We encourage you to participate in the webinar and make full utilization of the resources made available for you.

Look forward to your participation.


IBA Head Office

International Boxing Association IBA
Maison du Sport International
1007 Lausanne | Switzerland